Post by Jasper Devine on Jan 14, 2009 20:05:14 GMT
Name: Jasper Mathieu Devine
Age: Twenty-two
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Human / Neutral
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: DJ at Tonic
Personality: Jasper is a retarded art fag.
No, seriously.
Shy and knowledgeable: two words that describe Jasper very well. The kind of guy who would rather take a long walk and stargaze and listen to music rather then watch a bunch of sweaty men who can't even count their toes run around a diamond-shaped field in tight pants. Unlike most, who would rather hang out with friends or family than sit alone, Jasper tends to keep to himself, probably more than someone should. The extroverted, open child inside of him died alongside his father, Adam Devine, for since he passed on poor Jasper was never the same. He no longer spoke up in class, or at the dinner table, or at parties. He spent his days locked away in his room, sulking the hallways, avoiding the pitiful and cruel glances from the students and teachers around him. However, as the years passed, this anti-social phase of his began to dissipate. Slowly but surely time healed his broken heart... if only it had done the same when he found Juliet cheating on him.
While he did start to make friends and become more socially aware, Jasper still loved to reserve time for himself, to just sit in the peace and quiet of his own home or wherever he happened to find appealing at the time. As he grew older, he spent more time reading, picking up book after book, burying himself within the descriptive pages. He found he had quite a love for literature, and also a dear passion for writing. From this, Jasper grew very intelligent, and found that while he wasn't all that savvy when it came to science, he excelled in other, more creative subjects. After a while, Jasper turned from an anti-social freak to a complete grammar and spelling Nazi. Neither of the two stereotypes are really that appealing, but, at least it made him sound intelligent.
However, Jasper isn't completely introverted and peaceful and serious. He's actually rather funny, and quite fun to be around. Though, sometimes he can be a little shy around people he doesn't know, mostly because he's no good at small talk and making clever conversations. But, normally, that passes quickly. He's really random, especially with his friends, and even a little spastic sometimes. But people love Jasper. He's a very lovable guy. Though at a first glance he doesn't really look all that nice, Jasper is kind to everyone he meets, even people he doesn't know. Very rarely does he get extremely pissed off, and even when he is, he is able to carry his anger out in a dignified and civil manner... most of the time. There is the small occasion where, when provoked enough, Jasper will go off and punch you in the baby maker... not literally, but, you get the point. This is quite rare, though. He doesn't really like violence, unless you mess with his friends or someone he loves or something.
Jasper is a heavy drinker, almost to the point where you could call him an alcoholic. Unfortunately, he also has quite a smoking addiction. The two things a parent would hate most for their child, right? He likes to party, and most definitely likes to have a good time. Sometimes this isn't always a bad thing when you act like a responsible adult. However, sadly, Jasper isn't exactly a very 'responsible' adult. He can get pretty careless at times, especially after he's had a few. Since his daughter, Emma, came into his life, though, he did try to tone things down a little. It wouldn't be fair to her, nor would it reflect very good parenting skills, if he showed up to their home falling down drunk every night, would it?
He's a bit of a romantic. However, rarely does he meet a girl he's interested in dating. No, he's not gay or anything, but, Jasper has yet to find a girl that really sweeps him off his feet, especially after his really hard break-up with Juliet, and being here, they really don't allow much room for love, or really any kind of interaction with other people outside of group therapy and what not. But, when he really does fall for someone, he's all for expressing it. Gifts, attention, affection, romantic dinners, clever dates, anything to let whoever it is he's in love with know how much he loves them.
Screw the rest of America, Jasper Devine is the one who's most definitely got talent. He plays the piano, the guitar, has an absolutely gorgeous voice, writes music, writes lyrics, isn't half-bad at drawing, is great photographer, and a killer film-maker. But, Jasper isn't one to brag. In fact, he's quite modest most of the time. He'd be the last one to say he's pretty, or is really good at something, despite his friends would probably say otherwise. But, though Jasper may deny it, he really is an extremely skilled young man. While he dabbles in quite a lot of things, he has trouble keeping up with all of the artistic things he likes to do. For example, while he has quite a passion for photography, there's just not time in his busy schedule to fit it in anymore. It is something he is interested in, though, and pretty good at. But, currently, music takes up a lot of his time.
You know how they say women and people from New Jersey are the worst drivers in America? Well, Jasper is neither of these things, and he is one in that handful of people who absolutely cannot control a motor vehicle for the life of him. He has a license, but God only knows how he managed to pass. Between the years of sixteen and eighteen, he crashed his Aunt's car a grand total of twelve times, mostly due to his inability to pay attention to the road and his spastic tendencies. Indeed, he is that bad behind a wheel. It's a wonder he hasn't gotten his license revoked yet, because he's not getting better at this point, only worse. Since he was forced here, however, Jasper has been forbidden to drive off anywhere, which, as much as he would hate to admit it, is sort of a good thing... it takes the stress of getting behind a car off of him, as well as other drivers on the road.
Jasper isn't exactly the calmest or most elegant person in the world, despite he may seem it sometimes, just sitting around, looking all cool and calm while reading his book or drawing or whatnot. In fact, he's quite the opposite. He's a tad paranoid at times, which often causes him to act spastically and scare very easily. He's skittish and prone to accidents such as tripping over nothing or walking into walls, something that only seems to be worsening. Most people tend to become more coordinated as they get older... well, not Jasper. Something must've went wrong when he was growing up, because he's just as clumsy now as he was when he was two years old.
The poor boy can't sit still to save his life. Jasper constantly fidgets and moves around, doing such paranoid things as tapping his heel on the ground, clicking his pen, or playing with his hair, sometimes without even realizing it. It gets him in trouble on occasion during classes or therapy sessions, but, he can't help himself. These things go hand-in-hand with his constant worry that perhaps someone is judging him, or his overwhelming concern over what people think. His crazy movements are most likely the result of such fears.
Frustration comes quick for Jasper. He's a little bit of a perfectionist sometimes, and when he can't get something right, or understand something the first time, it bothers him. In addition, he's very obsessive compulsive -- things need to be organized and in their proper places or else he'll probably end up throwing a fit. This is especially true when it comes to his appearance; Jasper refuses to leave the house unless his hair looks to his satisfaction. He worries a lot how people perceive him, so therefore, he puts a lot of time and worry into his appearance.
Jasper is also a little bit of a mysophobe. He greatly fears getting sick or catching some kind of terrible disease, or coming even remotely near anything that has the potential to be dirty... which, in a place like this, to him, is mostly everything. This fear is just one small part of the package that is obsessive-compulsive disorder, something he has suffered from since he first began high school and moved to Redwood. Jasper has gotten significantly better with this fear as he got more and more used to his surroundings, but, still took precautions. For example, those fingerless gloves he wears all year round aren't simply a clever fashion statement. But, since he started on this tour, it's as if h's back at square one. He's not longer comfortable in his own skin, and is constantly running to wash his hands. Things have gotten so bad that he's even began to question whether or not the bathroom supplies, such as soap or even the sink itself, is sanitary. It's kind of sad, but, something he's been working on trying to get over.
Jasper absolutely adores his daughter, Emelia. He always puts her well-being above all else, even his own, as most parents tend to do. Sometimes, however, he tends to get a little over-protective toward her out of fear he might lose her like he lost his girlfriend so quickly before his eyes. Despite, he tries his best to be a good father to her, though he often questions whether or not he is doing a decent job or not, whether or not the decisions he is making for her are correct. He does everything he can for that little girl, and currently, the relationship they hold is very strong, a bond Jasper hopes will never break. Appearance: Jasper has big hair and an even bigger heart. His hair is brown, big, and fluffy, though it has been a few other colors, such as black. Occasionally he gets strands highlighted in blonde or some other strange color like red or blue, but normally he just keeps it its natural brown color. No matter what style it is, it always look full and lush and extremely poofy. It's quite amusing, actually. It’s usually rather messy looking, as if there is some kind of dead animal simply lying on top of his head, but it’s simply the way it’s styled. He takes good care of his hair, and often spends a good amount of time making it look the way he likes it, shiny and soft.
He has really big hazel eyes, that always look very curious yet cautious at the same time. When Jasper was thirteen, his vision began getting a bit blurry. He had trouble seeing far away, and after a trip to the eye doctor, it was confirmed that the boy needed glasses. He wore them religiously for about a year or two, before he finally switched to contacts. He still has a pair of glasses at home, as most people with vision problems do. He wears them on occasion, but normally sticks to his contacts.
This boy is definitely the farthest from tan you can get, honesty. It's pretty obvious he has no or very little Italian blood in him just from the pigment of his skin. You'd mistake Jasper for a ghost he's so white. Clearly, going to the beach or just sitting in the backyard laying out in the sun was never a top priority for him. Growing up in the city, though, there's not much a place to do so, unless you were to go a tanning salon. But, Jasper really doesn't care enough to even bother thinking about such a thing. Not to mention he's poor as hell and really doesn't have the money to be throwing around on nothing more than increasing his chances of skin cancer.
Jasper's a little shorter than most guys his age. He stands at around five eight, while most men are around the height of six foot or more. He's a very petite and tiny for his age of eighteen. Most guys hit some kind of growth spurt by that age, but, not Jasper. He doesn't really care, though. Height was never something that bothered him, at least, as much as his weight and other things.
He's very skinny, as well, (though Jasper would definitely disagree) probably because he never really had a lot of food to eat when he was young and with his family… or maybe he just has a fast metabolism, or just doesn’t like to eat a lot. Either way, he’s a skinny little bastard with really skinny legs. He doesn't exactly pay attention to his weight (though he worries about it constantly) but, he's probably around one-hundred and thirty-five pounds.
Jasper has both his ears pierced, as well as his right nostril. He didn’t get them all done at once, however. His father took him to get his right ear pierced when the boy was very young, and he got the other when he was about fourteen with a couple of friends, with permission, of course. However, when he turned sixteen, he was feeling rather rebellious and spontaneous, so, he went out and got his nose pierced without any kind of parental or guardian consent. Both his Aunt (whom he was living with at the time) and his mother were rather upset by it, but, as most things, it was forgiven over time.
In addition to these three piercings, Jasper also has a tattoo. Sweet, right? He got it a few months after he found out Juliet, his ex-girlfriend, was pregnant. It's rather simple, and isn't very noticeable unless he's wearing a muscle shirt to show off the muscle he doesn't have. But, it's nice all the same. On his upper right arm, Jasper has the word "COURAGE" written in fancy handwriting. Very fitting for a young parent, wouldn't you say?
History: Jasper was born on the date of April 16th to nineteen-year-old Michelle Jones and twenty-one year old Adam Devine in the town of Norwalk, Connecticut. When most children are born, their entry into the world in celebrated and joyous; however, this was not the case with Jasper. His parents, Michelle and Adam, weren't exactly the 'parenting' type, being so young and unprepared for a baby. Let's just say, neither of them had planned or expected Jasper's birth to happen. So, because of this, throughout his younger years, Jasper was left with his aunt, Michelle's sister, Stephenie, who was twenty-eight, though not yet married, while both his parents were out around town.
When Jasper was just a few months old, he and his parents moved out to Lake Forest, Illinois, where Jasper's grandparents as well as Aunt Stephenie lived, who was just finishing up classes at a local college to be a nurse. So, Jasper didn't have much memory of what Connecticut was like. However, when Jasper was around eight months old, Michelle and Adam were married, and stayed together. Despite their lack of parenting skills, they weren't bad people, and tried the best they could to give their son the best.
He wasn't completely left out of the loop with his parents. They spent time with the boy when they could, though by the time he was one, Michelle began attending college at night and Adam was busy trying to make a living as a musician. Jasper didn't remember much of his father, for he died in a car accident when the boy was only eight years old. Jasper did remember a few things, however, the most vivid being Adam's love of music. Often times Jasper recalls listening to his father late at night writing songs on his guitar, or on the piano. Though he was never extremely close with his father, Jasper aspired to do what he did: create music.
When Jasper turned four, his father began teaching him how to play the piano. Though their lessons together were often cut short due to time constraints with Jasper beginning to attend school and his father working two jobs, one in the day as a bartender, while at night he was an entertainer and played gigs with his band at local clubs. However, both of these jobs turned up little money. Though his mother desperately wanted to send him to a Catholic school, they didn't have the money to afford it. So, Jasper began attending a small, public elementary school.
Also around this time, Michelle showed up pregnant once again, and bore a daughter by the name of Eileen Devine. Jasper was never all that thrilled about having a sister, though; he had always been a very quite child, very introverted and soft-spoken. Therefore, up until he was around ten years of age, Jasper and Eileen weren't all that close with one another. In fact, they barely began to truly bond with one another until after their father passed away.
Often times, even in his young age, Jasper kept to himself. He was always a very quiet, shy young boy. He never liked sharing his opinions aloud, or just speaking out loud in general. However, when ever he was asked the question 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' Jasper's answer was always the same. He wanted to be a musician, like his father. He wanted to write music, sing, play the guitar... Jasper wanted to learn it all. However, these dreams were put on hold when his father died in a tragic car accident when Jasper turned eight.
Jasper was left without a teacher, and, for the most part, very little money or means of support. Being only very young, it took the poor boy a while to understand his father was gone for good. Often times, he would sit up at night and wait for his father's return, until it finally sunk in that he wasn't coming back. Adam's death hit Jasper pretty hard. He spent most of his days alone in his room, trying to figure out what to do next. He slowly pulled himself out of his misery, and as he grew older, he felt comfort in thinking about his father rather then the remorse and sadness he felt when it first happened.
His mother started working two full time jobs, one waitressing th other working as a secretary at a local school. Neither of the two provided much money. Often times Jasper returned to an empty home, and was left by himself as early as age nine. While he was alone, he often practiced playing the piano, and even tried picking up his fathers old guitar and playing it, though he didn't get very far with it without any kind of instruction.
He was quite a prodigy when it came to the piano, however. At the age of ten he tried his hand at composing music, and also began writing lyrics and poetry. Throughout his months as a ten year old, food became more and more scarce in his house, as well as his mother. Often times he would hear her come in late at night, exhausted and over-worked. When he was eleven (Eileen was only eight at the time), he and his sister was sent to live with his Aunt, though he still kept in touch with his mother. It wasn't that she didn't care about her children that she sent them away. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Michelle felt that Jasper and Eileen needed a better life, a better home to live in, where food was available to him, as well as money. He still kept it touch with her over the years, and even tried to help her with money when he could, despite the fact he didn't have much of a job.
After twelve years of debate, Jasper settled on being a vocalist. Though he didn't have as much experience with singing as he had other things, such as the piano, he decided that he wanted to sing. Fortunately for Jasper, his Aunt was dating a man who was in a band. He was the front man, and sang and wrote lyrics. So, Jasper began taking singing lessons from his Aunt's boyfriend, James. He proved himself to be quite talented in the field of singing.
When he began attending high school, he started taking classes for the guitar, as well as played the piano for the school's concert band. However, his shy, soft-spoken nature didn't change from the transition between elementary school and high school. He did make one good friend, whom he spent a lot of his time with. Both shared the same love of music, and often spent a lot of time over each others houses, sleeping over and staying up late listening to bands from the early ninety's, such as David Bowie, The Cure, R.E.M., Billy Idol, and the Dandy Warhol's.
He also began taking a special interest in photography in film-making throughout his years of high school in Illinois. He started shooting short films, mixed with his own music, normally with people doing simple things in dim light, such as walking around or even just hanging out. Jasper began going out more, taking long walks just to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery Lake Forest had to offer.
Just when Jasper was starting to find contentment in Chicago, his aunt got a new job, which required her to move all the way out to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Of course, he was in no way happy with this. He was just starting to enjoy himself where he was, and now he has to leave? It just didn't seem fair. Unfortunately, though, try as he may to change his aunt's mind, Jasper was unable to persuade Stephenie to stay in Chicago, and so, off to the West Coast went.
However, such a move wasn't all bad. When Jasper was fifteen, he met a young woman by the name of Juliet Williams, a young girl the same age as he who had been living in the town all her life. He was her first real friend when she first moved here, and only true love. They quickly began dating, only things grew a tad complicated when Juliet turned up pregnant not to long after. For morality's sake, the two opted to keep the child rather then abort it or give it up for adoption, and nine months later, Emelia Noelle Devine was born.
As if there wasn't enough going on in Jasper's life, Eileen also started dating around this time, causing a little more stress for him. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, if the men she dated didn't seem like such jerks to him. Of course, being the big brother, he felt compelled to say something to her; but, unfortunately, Eileen was extremely uninterested in Jasper's words of dislike toward her new boyfriend. However, for once, he was actually right; the man ended up cheating on Eileen, creating quite a lot of grief for her. Jasper did his best to comfort her, yet, really, wasn't sure how at this point. He had warned her before this would happen -- if she actually would've listened to him for once, it probably could've been avoided. His snippy attitude was probably what lead to the downfall of their relationship; well, that, and the fact Eileen blames him for her and her boyfriend's break-up. So, very rarely do they talk anymore; and when they do, it's usually because Eileen wants something, or they're arguing.
Despite Eileen's loathing for her older brother, he does try to be civil toward her. She is still his younger sister, and, no matter how much she may despise him, for whatever reason, that strange urge to protect her always looms in his mind. Jasper does still care about Eileen, even if she does annoy the hell out of him a lot. Considering it's been a few years since the whole incident, Jasper finds her grudge against him to be rather frustrating, especially since it's been a few years since the whole incident started.
But, anyway, life goes on, right? Both Julie and Jasper began working at a concert venue near town, and things were beginning to look up for the two of them. However, things took a turn for the worse one night when Juliet left work early because she "wasn't feeling well." Of course, Jasper, being the compassionate, loving man he is, eagerly covered for her, and after his shift ended, went out and bought her flowers to make her feel better. How sweet, huh? Well, on his way home, he tried calling her, only to find that she wasn't picking up the phone. Jasper simply assumed she was sleeping, and continued on his way. Little did he know Juliet had been cheating on him with various men for the past few months. Unfortunately, a clueless Jasper came to realize this later on that night, when he came home to find the love of his life in bed with another man.
Jasper, being forced to witness first hand his girlfriends infidelity, was horrified and shocked. Of course, in a fit of rage, he went after the man she was cheating with, as well. Unfortunately, the man fled before Jasper got a chance to do any real damage, along with Juliet. He never saw or heard from her again after that night. Jasper was left heartbroken. The only woman he ever truly loved never really loved him at all. He kind of fell into a depression for a while, and became much more reserved then he once was when Juliet was around. However, he tries his best to be optimistic for Emma's sake, not wanting her to see him in such a vulnerable state.
Love Interest: N/A
Face Claim: Mat Devine